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Bishop's Resource Guide: Your Library Account

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Accessing Your Account

Step 1: Click Advanced Search.  If you are on Library's home page Advanced Search is located under the Sofia's magnify glass search button.

Step 2: Click the ‘Sign In’ button in the upper right corner of the browser.

Step 3: You will be presented with a page where you must select your login method. Bishop's students must select "LOGIN WITH A BISHOP'S USER NAME AND PASSWORD (FOR BISHOP'S STUDENTS ONLY)". Faculty, staff and community members must select "LOGIN WITH A BARCODE (FOR ALL OTHER BORROWERS)".

Step 4: 
If you select the student login method you will be redirected to a sign in page at your institution. Enter your Bishop's user name and password.  After logging in, you will be redirected back to the discovery search.
The barcode login method requires that users set a password before logging in for the first time.
To do this:
  • Click the ‘SET/RESET PASSWORD’ button.
  • Enter your barcode in the ‘User Name’ box and click the ‘REQUEST NEW PASSWORD’ button. A link to a password creation page will be emailed to the address in the library account. Please note the password criteria at the top of the page.
  • After creating your password, you will now be able to log in using your barcode and password on the sign in page.

Step 5: Once signed in, your name will now appear in the upper right corner. Clicking on your name will prompt a drop-down menu to appear. You will be able to access your account information by clicking "My Account".

To see what you have checked out, you need to sign in to your account and click ‘My Account’.
  • Checked Out: This is where you can see the items currently checked out to you, along with their due dates. Items can be sorted and renewed by clicking Renew Items.

To see what you have placed on hold, you need to sign in to your account and click ‘My Account’.
  • Requested: Requests or Holds you have placed on titles are listed on the Requested tab. Your holds can be sorted as well as cancelled by clicking Cancel Requests or edited by clicking Edit Request.

To see what you have placed on hold, you need to sign in to your account and click ‘My Account’
  • Fees: Any fines owed to the Library can be seen under the Fees tab. Charges can be sorted and fees paid by clicking Pay Fees.

To edit your profile, you need to sign in to your account and click ‘My Account’
  • Profile: Under the Profile tab, you can add an alternate email to receive Library notifications from that include status notifications about your requests, library fees and more.  You can also choose to add in a phone number to receive text message notifications.  Under the Profile tab, you can also change your password.


Today's Library Hours

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Reference librarians are available to help students and faculty with their research!
Check the Library's Research Assistance hours and come by the Library Services Desk located on the main floor of the LLC.
During Research Assistance hours, you can also chat with us using the LibChat box on this page or our Library Home Page!
Contact us:
   Telephone: (819) 822-9600 ext. 2608
   Text: (819) 201-0354