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Champlain Resource Guide: ProQuest Research Library

This guide is to help Champlain students and faculty access and use the resources available to them at the Bishop's Library Learning Commons (LLC) and other off-campus institutions.

ProQuest Research Library

The ProQuest Research Library is an online database that Champlain students and faculty can access through E-Library at the Champlain Saint-Lambert's George Wallace Library.  It is not the only database available through the George Wallace Library, but it is a good database to start your research.


ProQuest Research Library has online:
  • Academic journal articles (peer-reviewed/scholary sources)
  • eBooks
  • News and magazine articles
  • Trade journals
  • Reports
  • And much more!


To access the databases at the E-Library, you need to first get your username and password through your MyLennoxville/Omnivox account.  Click here for step-by-step instructions for how to find your username and password.

ProQuest Research Library

ProQuest Research Library

Step 1

Step 1

  • Once you have your username and password and you have clicked on ProQuest Research Library through the George Wallace Library A-Z Database page, you will be asked to log in.
  • After you've logged in, you can start your search by typing your terms into the search bars.
    • You can use the multiple search bars to search for terms in different fields.
  • Some of the different search fields you can choose from are:
    • Anywhere: Searches generally, anywhere in the record and text.
    • Abstract : Searches for your terms anywhere in the abstract.
    • Subject heading: Searches for your terms anywhere in the subject field.
    • Author: Searches for the authors name anywhere in the authority/author field.
  • If you know you need peer-reviewed items, you can click off peer-reviewed on this page. By clicking off peer-reviewed here, all the results you will receive will be peer-reviewed.

Step 2

Step 2

  • Once you have searched, you will then receive a list of results
  • If you find a result you are interested in, you can click on the title of the article.
  • However, you may need to limit the results you receive. You can do this by using the limiters on the left-hand side of the screen

Step 3 (Optional)

Step 3

  • You can scroll down to find more limiters that may help you narrow down your results.
  • You can select what types of resources/documents you want to find under Document type
  • Or you can use the Subjects limiter to see what subject headings are being used within your research
    • Subject headings are like using hashtags on Twitter or Instagram. Like hashtags, subject headings bring all the items on a specific topic under one heading.
    • Searching using subject headings will allow for you to search more effectively and efficiently.
    • Subject headings may also give you a better idea of the language/terminology you should be using when you are searching for your topic.
  • If you find a result you are interested in, you can click on the title of the article.

Step 4

Step 4

  • Once you've clicked on a resource you are interested in, you will be taken to your article in full-text.
  • You can click Download PDF if you want to save the article to your computer or device.
  • All the information you need to cite the source will be listed just above the full-text of the article, or you can find it under Abstract/Details.

Step 5

Step 5

  • Lower down on the results page, you can find the subject headings used for your article.
  • Again, the subject headings attached to the resource may give you a better idea of the language/terminology you should be using when you are searching for your topic.



Today's Library Hours

Need Help?

Reference librarians are available to help Champlain students and faculty with their research!
Check the Library's Research Assistance hours and come by the Library Services Desk located on the main floor of the LLC.
During Research Assistance hours, you can also chat with us using the LibChat box on this page or on our Library Home Page!
Contact us:
   Telephone: (819) 822-9600 ext. 2608
   Text: (819) 201-0354